Now that you have completed the 1095-C process and your forms have been mailed to employees, it is time to begin your files for the IRS. Fortunately, ACA Track makes it easy to create and submit your 1094s. Our system automatically compiles your company, plan, and employee data into the appropriate forms required by the IRS.

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Before You File

Before filing your 1094 & 1095 documents with the IRS, we highly recommend that you:

  • Review your company and plan information for accuracy.
  • Make sure you have provided us with your total employee and full-time employee counts for the year.
  • If you identified any errors with your 1095-C forms: Correct the corresponding employee and/or dependent data and rerun the 1095-C forms for those employees.

NOTE: If you are correcting data for an employee with dependents, you must also re-run the dependent data; when correcting dependent data, you must re-run the corresponding employee data first.

At this point, no forms have been submitted to the IRS. 1095 forms have only been sent to your employees. It is important to make any necessary changes before completing the 1094 process, to minimize the risk of a rejected filing or the need to refile.

IRS Submission Page

To get started, return to the Prepare Tax Returns module:

And go to the IRS Submissions page:

Generating Your 1094(s)

On the bottom left of the IRS Submission page, you will find a list of all the 1095-C batches that have been approved and printed, but that have not yet been submitted to the IRS:

Note: You may see the same division listed more than once if you made corrections to any of your 1095 batches. Don’t worry. ACA Track will only pull the MOST RECENT data for IRS Submission.

To create your 1094-C files from this information, simply click the Generate 1094(s) button:

ACA Track automatically compiles the latest data to submit to the IRS:

  • If you submitted corrected 1095-C forms, it will pull the most recent data for each employee.
  • If you have made changes in the Employee Profile Editor since creating your 1095-C forms, it will use this updated information. (For example, if you updated an employee’s address but did not need to send them an updated 1095-C form, the new address will be submitted to the IRS.)

ACA Track will also automatically determine the type of submission required:

  • If this is the original submission for a division, it will create an Authoritative 1094. When you submit this form to the IRS, ACA Track will upload the 1094 form as well as all corresponding 1095-C forms.
  • If you are returning to this page to make corrections, either because you have reported additional employees or to correct any errors identified by the IRS, the system will generate the appropriate Non-Authoritative 1094 and/or Corrective 1094, and submit the appropriate 1095 forms as required.


Pending Status

Once you click the “Generate 1094(s)” button, a separate batch will be created for each division being reported. The batches will originally appear in a “Pending” status. This simply means your forms are still being generated:

ACA Track will send an email notification when each batch has been generated. At that time, return to the IRS Submission page (or refresh the tab), to view your forms.

Reviewing Your 1094 Forms

When you return to the IRS Submission page, you will be prompted that there are batches which need your attention:

Once as batch has been generated, it will have an IRS Status of Ready. Click “view” to download and review the 1094 form that will be submitted to the IRS:

Note: If the IRS Status changes to Ready, but you do not see the “view” or “Submit” options, wait a few more minutes and refresh the tab. Once the view option becomes available, you should not be able to submit your file until you click “view” to download and review your 1094 form.

Next Step: Submit to the IRS / IRS Results


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