You received an Employee SSN Data error for one of the following reasons:

  1. The Employee SSN field was left blank on a dependent’s data. The employee’s Social Security number is required with each dependent listing. To correct this error, enter the employee’s SSN and resubmit your dependent data. 
  2. The field contains less than 9 characters. Make sure to verify the SSN against your company data or check with your employee. The SSN must contain exactly 9 numbers. Review the file and make sure leading zeroes were not dropped from your data. It may be necessary to adjust the cell format to prevent this (see Formatting Requirements for Social Security Numbers). Once the SSN has been corrected, resubmit your dependent data.
  3. The field is not formatted correctly. The SSN can be formatted with or without dashes, but must not contain spaces or additional characters. Acceptable SSN formats include: 123-45-6789 OR 123456789
  4. The employee’s SSN was never successfully loaded with your employee datasheet. A dependent cannot be loaded until his associated employee exists in the database. Make sure that you have already uploaded information for the employee as part of your Employee Data upload process. Once the employee’s information is successfully uploaded, resubmit your dependent data.