The IRS requires that you report employment data separately for each unique tax entity (each EIN) within your organization. For most organizations, this involves having different divisions at different locations, but not necessarily.

If your company is broken into multiple divisions in the same location, your employee records should be considered under one division, provided all of those divisions are reported under the same tax entity (EIN). If they are reported under multiple EINs, you will need to report each as a separate division in the ACA Track system.

The same is true for divisions in separate locations. If your company has multiple locations, but all of them are reported under the same tax entity (EIN), they are considered one division within the ACA Track system. If not, each separate tax entity must have its own division entry in ACA Track, and your employee data must reflect which division each employee reports to.

For ACA purposes, each division has a separate EIN.

Note: If your internal reporting system references multiple sub-divisions under the same EIN, you can assign each of those to a specific primary Division within the ACA Track system, so you don’t have to worry about changing your data to meet federal requirements. See the Data Mapping guide to learn how to map multiple division names to a specific Division (EIN).

For more information about setting up your plans in ACA Track, see our Plan Management Guide.